As we mentioned before, we have an unique policy "Reader's choice" because it's up to you to help us make this website even better. We are in search of devoted members that can help us succeed in filling this website with great, new and unique content in a short delay. It is very simple to help us. We don't require any special knowledge about programming or website editing, we just are open for new ideas than can come from members. However, if you wish to play a larger role in the development of Galex Media you are welcome to apply for the necessary jobs we are looking for right now such as: designer, forum administrator, entries manager etc. There's a whole post dedicated to this matter in our Membership category in the Forum. If you feel interested about any job feel free to apply there! We accept everybody!
OK, so this page exposes all the possible rewards that you could get for helping us improve the website because we like to offer you some advantages for your hard work. Note that further rewards should be added shortly on our members request or if we invent other jobs that need to be filled. In order to see our winners you may click on each medal or trophy. Only members can receive those awards and multiple members can receive the same one.
Prerequisite: Help us by bringing us Prerequisite:This is awarded to the Prerequisite:Help us manage the
ideas for the website design best idea to improve the website. forum and receive this award.
Benefits: Design Moderator rank Benefits: Scientist moderator rank, Benefits: Forum admin rank,
with exclusive logo for it, with exclusive logo for it, with exclusive logo for it,
name or nickname displayed when name or nickname displayed when name or nickname displayed when
accessing the design awards page, accessing the genius awards page, accessing the Forum awards page,
unique moderator right : editing other unique moderator rights: unique forum ranks: administrate
design. edit main page and news entries. the forum (add, modify, delete, ban).
Prerequisite: Write the best Prerequisite: Be the helping hand of Prerequisite: Supply us through the
article and gain this award! the month by participating more than forum with cool content such as
any others and having a job. your favorite artists, with their bio
and music catalog.
Benefits: Journalist moderator Benefits: Full moderator rank for a Benefits: Musical Director of the
rank with exclusive logo for it, month (only one winner per month), website rank, with exclusive logo, name
name or nickname displayed when rank with exclusive logo, name or or nickname displayed when accessing
accessing the Journalist awards page, nickname displayed when accessing the Music awards page. Unique
unique moderator rights: manage all the Member of the month awards page, moderator ranks: manage the music
new article, create new article themes. all moderator ranks! section of the website as well as the
music forum section.
Prerequisite: Be an active member Prerequisite: Supply the website with Prerequisite: Advertise our website
at least one year and contribute interesting and fun content for the to gain new members through Twitter,
to the embellishment and forum, reviews and walkthroughs by Facebook, Youtube and other services
improvement of our website. submitting to us for at least an year. of your choice for at least one year.
Benefits: Permanent display of your Benefits: Editor rank awarded that Benefits: Our site will promote your
name is this trophy's section. All includes being able to edit any entry, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and other
moderator rights for ever! Become a article or news to improve it and post accounts through our site if desired.
trusted member and have more new ones without permission. Become Advertiser rank added with extra rights.
benefits to come! a trusted member! Permanent trophy! Become a trusted member!
Prerequisite: Be a member, an
association or a company that
sponsors us financially in order to
improve the website.
Benefits: Sponsor rank, your name
or association name displayed in this
section as well as the donations and
sponsors one. Satisfaction knowing
that you made this a better site
through your donations!
More awards to come, submit your ideas through the dedicated section in the Forum.