Want to make yourself useful and help us improve this beautiful website? Here's the place to join us and become one of our most valuable members by managing special parts of our website! This thread contains all the jobs we were thinking of but you can create your own threads and share your ideas of new possible jobs. If those ideas can be applied we will do so and you'll be rewarded! You can post replies to this thread and apply directly to the jobs offered. To see a few of the rewards we have to offer you, please visit the Rewards page and be amazed! We will answer you directly through the same page or by e-mail if you allow us to. Jobs:
- Site Moderator: in charge of the whole site and monitors the activity of other employees and members.
- Forum Moderator: only in charge of the Forum and all it's topics. They are the helping hand that our new members need and also the Policemen in order to see if the rules are respected.
- Site Designer: must know HTML, CSS (optional) and Photoshop or other picture adjuster software.
- Journalist : If you feel like you're good at writting articles this is the job for you! Choose a subject (which is treated by the site) and create articles or reviews to share with everybody! You have the privilege to modify and improve current articles as well as those posted by other members.
- Music manager: manage the Music page and Music Forum Section. You are allowed to modify and improved the received content.
- Download manager: it's important to check if all the links are still working (if not you can replace them without asking permission), check if the information is still pertinent, make sure there is no copyrighted material, improve the entries' descriptions and other.
- Photo Album Manager: check if the pictures are not missing, if there is no disturbing content, add pictures without permission, add different resolutions for pictures so people can use them as Wallpaper (requires special software to change size).
- Tutorials manager: check if the videos and other links provided are still existing, rectify faulty content, remove bad content, add your own content without asking permission.
- Walkthrough manager: check if the videos and other links provided are still existing, rectify faulty content, remove bad content, add your own content without asking permission.
- Ambassador : Go on different sites and try to create partnerships between ours and theirs. Try to promote our website.
That's pretty much it. But there are tons of others to think of. You can have multiple jobs at the same time and one job can be attributed to more users.