We try to provide the best tutorials ever, made by ourselves or taken from trustworthy sites (with the owner's approval of course). But we cannot satisfy everyone. That's why we need you! This section is specially dedicated to your opinion about the tutorials and cool stuff we provide. In order to improve them so we can please everybody, we'd like you to create threads in this forum on the good, the bad and ideas to improve a certain tutorial. One thread should be created for one special tutorial or fun stuff. Your opinion does count, so help us!
If you (or us) see that the thread is getting to crowded feel free to create others in order to continue the discussion. You don't necessarily need to create a new thread for the same tutorial as an existing one because you can post your own opinion there. For better noticing try a different color.
This thread will be closed as it's only purpose is to tell you how to do it. Thanks.